Morning O'Loot!
My Secret Pal Causes Pleasure and Pain
A package from my SP arrived yesterday! V. went out with his buds last night, and neglected to tell me about it beforehand, so I didn't find out about it until this morning. The package contained a gorgeous skein of blue and purple handspun yarn (SP - Did you spin and/or dye this?), a needle sizer, a pretty stitch marker with a bead and a charm of a ball of yarn with two needles (again, SP - Did you make this?), some tea, and a copy of Knitting Rules by the Yarn Harlot. I will post pics this weekend.
And now for the pain - Apparently that beautiful stitch marker does not bear enough resemblance to the crappy plastic ones I normally use for my husband to recognize its purpose. Some milk and two Cheerios - believe me when I say ouch - came out of my nose this morning when he asked me why on earth my pal would give me a bellybutton ring.
I Won a Contest!
Laura at affiknitty had a contest this week, and I won the knitting book of my choice! What to choose, what to choose?
So big thank yous from me this morning! Thank you, SP, for all the wonderful stuff you sent! Thank you, Laura, for having a contest! Thank you, Random Number Generator, for picking me!
No I didn't spin or dye that myself. I am just learning to spin and I haven't spun anything I would want to share yet. I found that at the Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival and thought it would make a nice hat and/or scarf and since you design
hats. . .
I think the stitch marker would make a great belly button ring. I'm sorry there is only one, but I ordered it from ESTY and thought for the price it was a set, but it was only 1. I almost didn't send it but I thought it was really pretty and and it is handmade out of silver, so I sent it.
I'm glad you like your stuff - have fun with it.
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